Freedom of Information Act - Important Information
In accordance with Virginia Code section 2.2-3704.1 and 2.2-3704.2 the following information is provided:
Norfolk Circuit Court Clerk’s Office FOIA Officer: Gerald Stokes, Supervising Deputy Clerk – LPF&J Division.
E-Mail Address:
Telephone contact (757) 578-1429
General Information
Records held by the Clerks of the Circuit Courts have 30 days to answer requests under FOIA.
The following documents are exempt from the requirements of FOIA under Virginia Code:
1. Juror and Grand Juror information
2. The records required by law to be maintained by the Clerk of the Circuit Court
3. Voter information
4. Personnel records
5. Computer software and source code
6. Account numbers, Social Security numbers, Juvenile information
7. Names and addresses of law enforcement officers
8. Concealed Weapons permit applications and licenses.
9. Victim identity information
10. Documents which have been sealed by court order.
This list is not all inclusive. Â The Freedom of Information Act and other code sections are consulted on all document requests to ensure compliance with the law.
All document requests are handled in accordance with Virginia Code section 17.2-208 Records, etc., open to inspection; copies; exception.
– All request must go through the Document Request System
– The cost to retrieve documents is noted on our document request application at Document Request System and is non-negotiable and due prior to releasing the documents.
– All requests will be addresses no later than 30 days from the date of the request.
All requests for documents should be requested through the Document Request system on this website. Click here.