Jury Service

Jury summons are issued by order of the Court.

If you received a summons for jury duty, click here

When reporting for Jury Duty please go to the Norfolk Consolidated Courthouse located at:

150 ST. Paul’s Blvd.  4th Floor Jury Assembly Room

For an in-depth review of jury service, please click here.

You MUST present a photo ID card upon arrival for jury duty.

You MUST call (757) 664-4190 each evening after 5:00 PM to confirm that you are needed. Alternately, you may subscribe to our Twitter Feed @NFKCircuitCourt to receive jury information.

For information concerning Jury Service you may call: (757) 389-8942 option 7

Possession of Cell Phones, Laptops, Glass containers, any metal object, and Weapons of any kind are PROHIBITED in the Court House.

Jurors may bring food products into the courthouse however, utensils and glass containers are prohibited.  You MUST have your juror summons card or a juror badge to bring food products into the courthouse.

Listed below are some frequently asked questions regarding jury service. If you need any additional information, please refer to the Jury Summons that you received or call the number listed above.

Parking is available in the MacArthur Mall garage.  Bring your parking ticket with you and we will validate your parking.

    Scroll down for frequently asked questions

While efforts are made to reduce delay and avoid waiting time, you may have to wait awhile at the courthouse before finding out whether you have been chosen to actually sit on a jury. So bring a book or other quiet activity; solve a crossword puzzle; write a letter; sketch a picture; or get to know your fellow jurors. Remember that as a juror you are a vital part of the court system.

Sometimes, on a day that you appear for jury service, you will be requested to serve on a jury. Service on a jury is one of the most important responsibilities that you will exercise as a citizen of this Commonwealth. It is your responsibility to listen to the evidence presented at a trial, decide the facts, apply the facts to the law as instructed by the judge, and render a fair and impartial verdict.

As a juror, you will perform a very important duty that each citizen owes to our Commonwealth. Your participation is critical because the right to a trail by a jury is a right guaranteed by the Federal and State constitutions. Your participation as a juror is necessary to ensure that every citizen in this Commonwealth will have access to this fundamental right.

You do not need any special skills, knowledge, or education to be a juror. However, you must be fair, impartial, willing to listen and willing to keep an open mind. Remember, our democracy will not work and our system of justice cannot function, unless citizens like you are willing to serve as jurors.

How was I chosen for jury Service?

Potential jurors are selected randomly using lists designated by the court such as voter registration and the driver’s license list.

What are my obligations regarding jury duty?

A jury is a group if individuals randomly selected from the community, sworn in by the court, and asked to collectively make decisions in a court proceeding. Jurors are an important part of the legal system.

What if I can’t perform jury service right now?

If this disruption causes a genuine hardship to you and not just inconvenience for you, it may be possible for you to defer your service to another time.

Will I be reimbursed for serving on a jury?

You will be reimbursed $50 per day for attendance for each day you must report to the courthouse.

How long will I be in jury service?

Jurors serve one term of the court. Each term of court is one month. Your summons will indicate the term of your service. Additionally, a trial may extend for several days. Please be aware that you may be called to serve on a multi-day jury.

What hours will I serve?

On days that you report for jury service, you can expect to be at the court during its normal hours. If not selected for a jury, you may be able to leave early. On occasion, a trial will continue beyond the court’s normal working hours. If this happens, you may need to arrange your schedule to allow you to stay longer.

Can I complete the Juror Questionnaire online?

Juror questionaires can be completed on-line. Additionally, you will be able to enter a cell phone number or email address to receive electronic notifications and reminders about your jury service.

Jury Service

What about my job?

Your employer can’t fire, demote, or otherwise penalize you for missing work while performing jury service. If you have been summoned and appear for jury duty for 4 or more hours in one day, including travel time, your employer may not require you start any work shift that begins on or after 5:00 p.m. on the day you appeared for jury duty, or to start any work shift that begins before 3:00 a.m. on the day following the day you appeared for jury duty. Many employers will continue to pay your salary while you are in jury service. Contact your employer to find out what the policy is at your job.
