
Norfolk Circuit Court qualifies for eight Judges who are appointed by the legislature to an eight year term.

Some Expectations When Practicing in Norfolk Circuit Court (The Honorable David W. Lannetti, Judge and Micaylee A. Noreen, Esquire, Law Clerk)

Judicial directory:

Chief Judge:The Honorable Tasha D. Scott
Courtroom #
4AThe Honorable Robert B. Rigney
4BThe Honorable Joseph Lindsey
5AThe Honorable David W. Lannetti
5BThe Honorable Jamilah D. LeCruise
6BThe Honorable Everett A. Martin, Jr.
6CThe Honorable Tasha D. Scott
Judicial Support Staff
Judicial Programs ManagerMs. Elizabeth Amaya(757) 664-4595
Judicial Docket AdministratorMs. Wendy Spivey(757) 664-4594
Secretary to Judge RigneyMs. Michelle Strittmatter(757) 664-4591
Secretary to Judges Martin, Lindsey and LeCruiseMs. Amy Clowdsley(757) 664-4592
Secretary to Judges Lannetti and ScottMs. Hollie Huffman(757) 664-4593
Law Clerks
Law Clerk to Visiting JudgesMcClayne Thomas(757) 664-4596
Law Clerk to Judges Martin and ScottHannah Wilk(757) 664-4599
Law Clerk to Judges Rigney and LeCruiseCleo Scott(757) 664-4598
Law Clerk to Judges Lindsey and LannettiAlex Liubinskas(757) 664-4597
Specialty Court CoordinatorMs. Alexandra Roberson(757) 823-1276

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